Saturday, January 29, 2011

p90x=day 21!!!!!

So today is day 21! Cant believe I've stuck to it this long lol!! Only 69 days to go. Jonathan is saying he can already see a difference in me with the weight. I've lost 5 lbs so far but almost an inch off my waist, which is what really counts. And I can get into my jeans now straight outta the dryer without having to stretch them first then doing a happy dance to get into them ;) They just go right on! Which feels sooooooooo good!

In other news :D The weather has been fairly good here which means outside play and craziness. Covey has 2 teeth now and is not only crawling everywhere but he is also standing up on EVERYTHING. Driving me nuts hehe and wants to eat everything that you have. O and he is saying dadda and blah blah.

I thought i would repost the link with the pics so far this month.

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