Ugh only 2 more days until our ultrasound and it seems like a million years away!! Tuesday morning at 8:30! Hopefully the baby will be willing to show us what it is!! At this point i'm still going back and forth...I know that it would be soo much easier to have a boy, just cuz we have all of matthews clothes still and later down the road just get bunkbeds lol!
But i think deep down i'm still secretly wanting a girl! Dresses & bows! But either way i'll be happy as long as the baby is healthy.
Right now we're waiting to send out our christmas cards just cuz we're gonna add the baby's name on there whichever one its gonna be. =) So everybody will probably get theirs after christmas but better late than never and i added in some pics of matthew!!
Also, Jonathan is talking about coming down to texas and oklahoma maybe here in the next month just to see everyone! Hopefully we will cuz i miss everyone! I'm hoping its a 2 week trip cuz one would just not be worth it since it takes so long to drive down there and all & we both have so many people we wanna see...but i guess we'll see!

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