Sooo my new years resolution for this year was to become more domestic lol!! And it doesnt hurt that nesting has started to set in either....Since we've been home i've been cleaning and cooking nonstop. It so much fun trying out new recipes. My crockpot has become my new best friend too :) So far this week i've made taco soup (soo yummy) & Cheesy Baked ziti! Both recipes were a hit with my boys & me. I even did the dishes hehe which if u ask jonathan is not something i do often. But since we've been home there hasnt been a single dish left in my sink for more than 5 minutes & it feels good! This morning Matthew & I made cinnamon french toast (which i've never attempted to make before) and it turned out fantastic!! I'm so proud of myself i even took a picture of it :)
I'm really hoping i can keep this up. I've got big plans for the house & I really need to get started on the boys room, ya know get it all organized and go through the baby clothes, all that good stuff! I couldnt go to sleep last night so i scrubbed and organized my bathroom hehe!! O and to show my peeps in the big Texas how much i love them, i posted a pic of my shower curtain lol...i guess you can take the girl out of texas but you cant take texas out of the girl. It even has little texas shaped curtain rings at the top lol!
Well whatcha think??