I honestly think i have the best husband in the world!! On his birthday he surprises me with this fantastic gift! I cant wait to see my family and friends back home!!!!! Sure the trip will be hard there is no doubt about that especially with 2 kids but i'm willing to make it! I just wish we could stay a month lol
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Merry Christmas!!
I honestly think i have the best husband in the world!! On his birthday he surprises me with this fantastic gift! I cant wait to see my family and friends back home!!!!! Sure the trip will be hard there is no doubt about that especially with 2 kids but i'm willing to make it! I just wish we could stay a month lol
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Here are some of the pics that i took from our visit to santa! The photographer is also suppose to send out their to us and i'll post those when i get them.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Matthews 3rd Birthday Party!!
We had matthews 3rd birthday party here this past wednesday! He had so much fun. He loved having his friends over and just playing. We did a phineas and ferb theme and i made the cake. We had an accident with it 30 minutes before the guests arrived. The top that i put on the cake to keep it moist got stuck to the top of the icing. Needless to say i had to run to the store, scrape off all the icing then redo it. Fun fun! Overall I would say it was a great day!!
Tomorrow we're going to see santa. I feel bad cuz jonathan wont be there but i'm hoping we'll be able to do it again as a family.
Tomorrow we're going to see santa. I feel bad cuz jonathan wont be there but i'm hoping we'll be able to do it again as a family.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
October pics!
Heres a link to the 1st and 2nd photo album on my facebook from october....there are over 200 pics lol now u see why i cant post them on here. it would probably take me over 3 days to upload them all!! HAHA
Friday, October 22, 2010
OCTOBER 16th—Family Fall festival
Last saturday we went to a family fall fest at a park down the street from our house. It was lots of fun and the boys got to dress up….matthew went as a football player while covey went as the football It was too cute!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
oct 15th-MNI
So we had a young mommies night in. Wayy fun. Got all dressed up...i went as a circus ringmaster. Had some spiked punch & jello shots lol no i was not the dd.
The girls neighbor came over (he was a little weird & like 50) but anyways he brought over some ruby slippers. which i put on and said the magic words "there is no place like home" HA by this point i was too drunk to care what i looked like. He said i did such a good job i got to keep the shoes lol which just happen to fit me perfectly. Jonathan looked at me like I was crazy when i came home in them :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Oct. 13th- Patterson Farm
We went to the pumpkin patch!!
It was fun...last year was definately better because this year it just felt like we were being hauled around like cattle but Matthew enjoyed it so thats all that matters. Manda and athena couldnt go cuz athena's allergies were bothering her so we called uncle b and he went with us. Big bug loved having him there. The kid was cracking me up, he kept running around then he would stop and say ok mama you can take a picture of me now! haha he knows me all to well. He got to see the animals and feed them and we did a hay ride (which no hay was involved lol) Then he got to pick out a pumpkin.
After which we met up with mom & ash at walmart. Matthew got a thing of cupcakes cuz he said we had to have a party ;) he loves having parties. So that night we watched tv together and ate our cupcakes. It was an added bonus for him that they were dragon cupcakes. which he thought was totally cool lol!

oct 9th. Fall Festival
My bestie Amanda and I took the kids to a fall festival at the church where her little girl goes to pre-k! They had so much fun. Big bounce houses and slides along with good bbq and crafts. It was super cute. It was super hot that day. Ok 88 isn't that hot but for the middle of october it is!
Covey also turned 5 months old on this day. Its amazing how this time is flying by, crazy that in another 7 months he'll be a year old. It blows my mind!
Covington James ♥
Covey also turned 5 months old on this day. Its amazing how this time is flying by, crazy that in another 7 months he'll be a year old. It blows my mind!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tharpe Photography!
Check out my photography blog!! Trying to make my start and get my name out there :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
So i got a new camera which i am so EXCITED about!! So ash let me take some pictures of her for practice with the new camera...so this was the first photoshoot of many!!! ♥♥♥ And here is the link to that..
Sunday, September 12, 2010
So i watched wayy to many cake shows yesterday lol so last night we went to the store and stocked up on a bunch of cake supplies! I ended up making a german chocolate cake with coconut pecan icing (which is the only cake jonathan will eat) & that cake went to work today for him & the other guys to enjoy. Then the second one i made was a french vanilla cake w/ chocolate chips & homemade buttercream icing and milk chocolate :D The buttercream icing recipe i tried didn't turn out so i had to improvise and add some stuff to it but it ended up fantastic...too bad i probably wont be able to do it again ;p
The french vanilla cake i decorated in a saying from phineas & ferb which matthew absolutely loves! He carries around a stuffed platypus named perry from the show and perry goes everywhere with us. You can see him in the other photos down below lol.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
lets play a game...
I literally have to label the boys baby pictures lol cuz they look so much alike...can you tell which is which?? :D

Crazy right?!
1st one-matthew is on the left and coveys on the right.
2nd one- coveys on the left & matthews on the right.

Crazy right?!
1st one-matthew is on the left and coveys on the right.
2nd one- coveys on the left & matthews on the right.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Myrtle Beach, SC

So jonathan sent me a text thursday night at around 11:30 pm saying he booked us a hotel in myrtle beach, sc for the weekend and that we were leaving the house friday morning at 11!! So needless to say i had a whole 3 hours to get packed and run to the store to get stuff! But we had a blast. The boys had a lot of fun. There are about 200 photos from the trip lol i love taking pics. so i just uploaded them all to my facebook. Check them out. www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=484652&id=502400553&l=dc6b01160f
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
First feeding of rice cereal!
Winding down!
Wow it has been such a fun and eventful week! Between several playgroups and a family day in huntersville its been fun! We went to the Fountains @ birkdale for the first time and let matthew run free in there. He loved it & we went at the perfect time because we were the only ones there! We also had a few playdates with the hip mamas which is an awesome new group that i joined. Two weeks in and we've already done so much. We had a flower planting playdate on wednesday. The kids got to paint & decorate their own flower pots and then add the soil and plant their seeds. Matthew had a blast doing it & playing with all the other kids.
Covey made a friend lol
Then later that day when jonathan woke up is when we went to the fountains, then took him to Mcdonalds down there cuz they have a huge indoor play area. Finished it off with a trip to Walmart where jonathan got Matthew a giant inflatable bounce house which is currently taking up the entire living room!!!

Then yesterday we had a playgroup @ hope park here in town. That is always lots of fun but there is no shade there so we only stayed for about an hour. They have water things that shoot mist out of the side of the play equipment so that keeps the kids nice and cool but for me and covey it was getting a little hot.
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